The Honorary Consulate of Jamaica
Jamaican Consulate Seattle
Duties performed and services offered
Protection of the interests of Jamaica and assistance to Jamaican nationals, both bodies corporate, within the limits prescribed by international law. Work closely and frequently with the Jamaican Embassy and Consulates General in the United States and link with members of the diplomatic community in the Chicago area to focus on projects and issues requiring joint efforts. Foster friendly and mutually beneficial relations between Jamaica and the State of Illinois and other Midwestern states through the promotion of tourism, trade and investment.
Issue passports or other travel documents to Jamaican nationals as well as to foreign nationals wishing to visit or reside in Jamaica. Meet with nationals on matters affecting their social well-being. Make regular visits to communities where nationals reside to listen to their concerns and address these needs where possible. Provide forums and meetings to explain U.S. Immigration requirements and to find help and referrals for Jamaican nationals accordingly. Visit nationals who have been arrested or incarcerated and make notification as required. Notarize/authenticate legal documents for Jamaican nationals and companies doing business in Jamaica. Provide advice and recommend appropriate legal representation for nationals who contact the consulate.
Encourage annual observation and/or celebration of Independence and other cultural milestones for Jamaican nationals in Chicago and give support to others engaged in the staging of festivals and celebrations of cultural awareness that reflect Jamaica’s past, present and future. Work with Jamaican professionals, citizens of the host country and other entities to assist in educational seminars that will benefit our nationals of all ages.
Meet regularly with local government officials and leaders to explain Jamaica’s interests and to assist them in obtaining information on policy and protocol. Provide and maintain that vital link with these officials, the Jamaican Government and its nationals who reside in this jurisdiction.
Work with and seek out volunteer groups and other entities who have shown an interest in Jamaica. Help to facilitate them in the donation of services to Jamaica in the areas of health-care, education and training. Assist groups who donate medical equipment and other patient care equipment, medical devices and pharmaceutical items. Work with donors offering educational items, computers and children supplies. Work with corporations and organizations in Illinois and the Midwest to establish labor agreements that would provide Jamaicans with the opportunity to come to the area for employment and/or training for various periods of time.
Perform other functions as designated by the Government of Jamaica, including the provision of diplomatic representation at a bilateral or international event.
Jamaicans wishing to renew their passports can obtain application forms by clicking on the Passport Forms Link above, print, complete and send to the nearest consulate in your area or the Embassy in Washington, DC.
Application forms can also be obtained by contacting the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington D.C., the Consulate General of Jamaica in New York or other Jamaican Consulates near to them. The form is free.
We have added a page of information about passports here.
NOTE: While we provide application forms, we do not process passports at the Consulate in Seattle. This has to be done at either the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington, D.C., or at one of the Consulate General (New York or Miami).